Topis forest area (Indonesia) is increasingly reduced. The decline of the area is not in vain, because it provides the opportunity to develop other sectors, such as land clearing for palm oil, coal mining and others. The fact that forest area was opened through a licensing will allow more than the allowed area. Why?
The reason is very simple.
@ On the map OK, but on the field enough to bother to track it down.
@ Now its time using GPS. True, but if one stands to mementukan coordinates with 1 point 8 satellite was able to guarantee the accuracy of the coordinates of points? Please note that GPS is commonly used (marketed) is a GPS Navigation (IHMB experience: Hasnur Muaratewe, Central Kalimantan). Thus to determine the accuracy of the UTM coordinates of a point needed special treatment. Another case with GPS Geographic (stationer).
The reason is that funny name "of the forest is the forest". Why are declared forest area, forest when there is no. Means not including forest area (as percentage of the experience associated with mangrove forests in the Fisheries Agency, District Tanah Laut).
Which is unfortunate:
@ Most of the forest area are not belted. Because of lack of clarity forest boundary in the field, so it is easy diserobot by reason of the signs of the forest boundary. Except most of them (have done measurements) in the form of natural reserve (experience in Tanah Bumbu regency, South Kalimantan), asylum-wildlife.
@ Provisions concession area to define the limits work (Intersection-band measurements) only a memory. Although there are concessions that do, most shares are on the edge of the woods and next stakes (the direction into the woods) has lost some where (ekolebeling experience; Lamanau First, Central Kalimantan; Heeching, Sumatra).
@ The Intersection-band measurements by the timber-concession before (if properly implemented), it can not be used. This command works (rules) are harmful.
How to forest area of more narrow can be maintained in accordance with a determination / decision? Government agencies in this set or Forestry after deciding that an area declared as forest area, should:
@ A time not too long to carry out the measurement limit (grammar-boundary) region (forest measurement) and the point of the pillar has a number and coordinates (as determined). GPS is used only as a temporary aid in finding a point (after-point) in the field.
@ Reset area that has changed the functions and carry out re-order boundary-boundary area (forest measurement).
@ Do after the problem area boundaries, such as annexation area, occurred ride tindah land use and other, new thinking to organize the forest boundary.
@ Implementation of field work, including the calculation of the funds had been thought previously.
@ Old patterns of work, work on paper (maps) should be abandoned.
Hopefully this idea does not interfere with the performance of the Ministry of Forestry.