
Baritosa speciosa


Cigarettes Not Haram

Diposting oleh a2karim

Confused again .......... yaaa because I am not an expert.

It is true that cigarettes are not forbidden, but "smoking" is forbidden. (results to the meaning from Radar Banjamsin, Rabu 17/03/2010). I could not help wondering:

1. when smoking declared unlawful, wooow how many people of Indonesia who gets sustenance sin. Hell will be full.

2. cigarette factories will eventually close. Did not think of how many millions of Indonesian people lost their jobs. Occurs massive unemployment and of course also have a derivative effect. They will be employed where?. What a burden the government!. Surely a burden "which forbids smoking" was the best!. Also more fair.

3. as a moslem people I began to doubt the religious belief that there is so far. Why?. Once smoking makruh said. Now be converted into illegitimate. If it can be changed, the law means other than smoking haram makruh could also altered.

4. I feared most was at one time Indonesian human brain continues to grow, then it might happen that could be makruh unlawful, or not at all apa2. Why not?. The possibility can happen, as long as the creed / man-made law and not from God.

5. problems are related to smoking and environmental health. But it does not need to be exaggerated. There is a larger and very much of "cigarettes and smoking", and even destructive creed, damage and reduce the revenue the state money, also interfere with national security. This class snapper. Why not explicitly raised?.

6. I think now is the time Indonesian clerics to sort out, where the creed / man-made laws, and which made God. So to clear which is flexible and which are absolute (raw).

7. PR is one of the cigarettes & smoking to be answered by the scholars (scribes) Indonesia. Is the law on smoking makruh are man-made or God Ruler of the Universe?. Hopefully the scholars can be answered with his conscience and not with the engineering sense, he thought.

8. FATWA name for it, all smokers yaaaaah please be advised.


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