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Lower levels of Nekotin

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Problems or smoking cigarettes is apparently still warm enough news. Starting from the smoker's health, spread to the surrounding environment and is now culminating in the religious creeds. When explored later found four interests that need to be summarized into a single entity, namely the health and the environment, employment side, the state tax and the creeds.

1. Health and environment
Cigarette smoking was true or not good for health especially of the lungs. One also has a derivative effect. Surrounding air contaminated with cigarette smoke and is a major impact on people who are not smokers compared with smokers. The world is also talking about cigarettes. Deaths from smoking there is no definitive data. Take the example of Indonesia; smokers what percentage of people who died with the main causes due to smoking. No data or research results are clear. I am very grateful if among viewers (readers of this text) have included the results of analysis of data (including data processing test used) please send to me for I have learned. Because I want to know how far to the accuracy and sharpness data analysis.

2. Employment
How much labor is required for a cigarette factory?. How many cigarette factory in Indonesia?. When the factory closed because of cigarette-related health and the environment, or creed, what happened?. There was massive unemployment and it is certainly a national disaster was inevitable. This also raises the impact of derivatives. Robbery, theft and the like which would interfere with household security. Finally, the government's responsibility.

3. State Tax
The existence of large cigarette part in development. State tax take from tobacco companies in the form of cigarette excise tax (excise ribbon), in addition to property taxes, too. With the closing of the cigarette factory, for example, means the government will lose a few rupiahs for the state receipts. And this will also impact on state finances (budget) and economic stability. Maybe we still remember that the Union of Entrepreneurs for Small Cigarette plan seeks to increase excise (excise bands) delayed until 2011, given the critical impact globar were affecting their business (“Rokok Ilegal Kemudian Marak”. Radar Banjarmasin; Ekonomis Bisnis, Selasa 15 Desember 2009 Hal-4). This implies that the government still needs funds for the survival of this country. Small businesses will shut down if there banderol increase, the impact will occur in the form of derivatives unemployment, perampakan, theft and the like.

4. Religious belief
Far as I know, since I studied religion in Elementary School (formerly School of the People) has argued that smoking makrooh. But now koq be unlawful. That is not funny anymore "unlawful smoking for pregnant mothers and for children under age". Indeed, I admit that I am not an expert in the field of religion. So I wondered, could a belief changed with a proposition or some excuse, too. If you also answered "could", meaning the law is makruh on man-made cigarettes. Also means that smoking can makrooh, could also unlawful depends emosianal us. Then there are many other makruh law be changed to unlawful. Strangely koq new now sprung up, not from ever. Are the experts belief now is smarter than the experts creed of earlier times. Or have certain reasons are hidden. What I fear at some point will change creeds that declared unlawful to makruh. I do not know "whether in the Islamic countries are a cigarette is a product / consumption is forbidden?". Along prohibition of smoking, I hope the scholars Indonesia tidying themselves to resolve these problems. Truth creed should be upheld in a truth essential. Sure you can!. Is pemakruhan cigarettes (smoking) is expressed by human or Illahi Rabbi?.

From the four sides of the above, it is the government through the Ministry of Health can work together with cigarette manufacturers to reduce levels to below nekotin threshold. So that cigarette manufacturers continue to run, unemployment is resolved, awake state finances, nekotin influence could be reduced.


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